“Blooming in Embers” is a journey that testifies to the possibility of a rebirth of hope and light, while negotiating between forms of resistance based upon mutual giving and elemental forces of destruction and everlasting circularity.
The exhibition explores the realms of future interactions, contemplating the prospect of a post-human world, beyond anthropocentric barriers while considering the Earth and its beings interdependent. It serves as a tribute to the collaborative spirit fostered by 17 international artists brought together by a shared desire to create, physically move to new spaces and embrace vulnerability and flexibility in ideas, practices, and ways of knowing.
“Blooming in Embers” invites the viewer to experience the beauty driven by change and becoming, while building a new interconnected and interspecific reality.
Fabrica’s residency program is curated by the Spanish director and visual artist Carlos Casas, Program Director of Fabrica.
17:00 Doors Open – Last Entrance 00:00
18:30 – 19:00 Welcome and introduction talk auditorium
19:15 – 19:45 Joe Habben introduces ‘We are here Venice’ and ‘Associazione Poveglia per tutti’ auditorium
20:00 – 22:00 Roberto Cannarile (Interactive Sound Performance) auditorium
20:15 & 21:15 Allison Costa (Dance Performance) gallery
20:30 (every 20′) Jihyun Park (Tea Ceremony) curve space -2
20:30 & 21:30 Davide Balda (Workshop: Weaving New Materials) lounge
21:00 Maria Fernanda Vaca (Reading Session) curve space -1
21:45 Vivek Jain (Proto Cinematic Performance) ponds
22:15 Josephine Illingworth-Law (Music performance) auditorium
23:00 Closing Dj Set with Fabrica residents and special guests gallery
Alessandra Centorbi (Argentina)
Allison Costa (USA)
Davide Balda (Italy)
Dora Ramljak (Croatia)
Jihyun Park (South Korea) *
Joe Habben (UK)
Josephine Illingworth-Law (UK)
Lakaaysha van Ewijk (The Netherlands)
Maria Fernanda Vaca Angulo (Colombia)
Maximilian Bufardeci (Australia)
Roberto Cannarile (Italy)
Sara Fiechter (Switzerland)
Sevilâ Nariman-qizi (Crimea-Ukraine)
Vivek Jain (India)
Yirui Fang (China)
Senior residents
Alice Nascimben (Italy)
Sethuraman Harikrishnan (India)
Residency Coordinator and Art Director
Francesca Perpetuini (Italy)
*Winner of the Fabrica Special Prize established in collaboration with Arte Laguna Prize