Theme: “Ruralism”
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and director (Spain)
Theme: “Ruralism: Pathways to a Sustainable Future”
During the Autumn-Winter session, residents will have the opportunity to explore the theme of Ruralism through a variety of activities, including workshops and visits to cultural institutions.
Additionally, they are invited to curate two weekly events: Obscura, a film series in the cinema hall featuring screenings of filmmakers and artists whose work relates to the topic of the residency; and Booklab, a reading and discussion group that delves into Ruralism through the lens of a selection of books from the Fabrica library.
Theme: “Kinship”
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and director (Spain)
Theme: “Kinship”
Workshops & lectures (some events will be open to the public):
March 11-12-13
Txema Salvans, photographer (Spain)
March 13 at 5pm CET
Txema Salvans, photographer (Spain) followed by Anna Kulachek, art director (Ukraine)
Watch the video
March 13-14-15
Anna Kulachek, art director (Ukraine)
April 12
Saodat Ismailova, filmmaker and artist (Uzbekistan)
Masterclass and lecture
Watch the video
April 22-23-24
Angela Melitopoulos, video artist (Germany)
April 23 at 7pm CEST
Angela Melitopoulos, lecture
May 13-14-15
Lorenzo Vitturi, photographer (Italy)
May 15 at 7pm CEST
Lorenzo Vitturi, photographer (Italy) and Theresa Wong, musician (Usa)
Lecture and concert
May 15-16-17
Theresa Wong, musician (Usa)
May 20-21-22
Deborah Latouche, fashion designer (UK)
May 22 at 7pm CEST
Deborah Latouche, fashion designer (UK) followed by Damien Poulain, artist (France)
May 22-23-24
Damien Poulain, artist (France)
June 4-5
Bill Morrison, director (Usa)
June 5 at 7pm CEST
Laia Abril, photographer (Spain) followed by Bill Morrison, director (Usa)
Watch the video
June 6-7
Laia Abril, photographer (Spain)
June 17-18-19
Batman Zavarese, visual artist (Brasil)
June 19 at 7pm CEST
Batman Zavarese, visual artist (Brasil) followed bySasha Huber and Petri Saarikko, artists (Finland)
June 19-20-21
Sasha Huber and Petri Saarikko, artists (Finland)
July 5-6
Fabrica 30 Reunion Festival
Other activities:
Masterclasses with international curators and mentors.
Weekly screenings at the cinema hall focusing on filmmakers and artists dealing with the theme of the semester.
Seminars or study groups with professionals.
Theme: “Co-Ecologies”
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and filmmaker (Spain)
Theme: “Co-ecologies”. Beyond the anthropocene.
Workshops & lectures (some events will be open to the public):
September 4 at 7pm CEST
Laura Tripaldi, independent writer and researcher (Italy)
Commencement lecture
September 21-22 and 25
Matthew C. Wilson and Emilia Tapprest,
artist and filmmaker (USA, The Netherlands)
21, 22, 25, workshop, watch the video
September 21, 7 pm CEST: lecture and screenings
October 5 at 3pm CEST
artist (USA)
Online lecture, watch the video
October 10-12
Chris Watson, musician and sound recordist (UK)
Workshop in the Cansiglio forest (Tv), watch the video
October 10, 7 pm CEST: lecture
October 18-19-20
Team Thursday, designers (The Netherlands)
18, 19 and 20, workshop, watch the video
October 19, lecture, watch the video
October 26
Jana Winderen, artist (Norway)
Lecture at Complesso dell’Ospedaletto, Venice, for Listen, Venice…
November 7 at 3pm CEST
Charles Stankievech, artist (Canada)
Lecture online, watch the video
November 16 at 3pm CEST
Elizabeth Hénaff, computational biologist, and Daniel Grushkin, founder and Executive Director of Biodesign Challenge
Lecture online, watch the video
November 20 at 7pm CEST
Christina Seely, visual artist (Usa)
Masterclass e lecture, watch the video
November 22 at 3pm CEST
Metahaven, art & design studio (The Netherlands)
Lecture online, watch the video
November 30 at 5pm CEST
Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson, artists (USA)
Lecture online
December 1 at 7om CEST
Marina Caneve, photographer (Italy)
December 4 at 3pm CEST
Jenna Sutela, artist (Finland)
Lecture online
December 16-17
Ana Roxanne, musician (Usa)
Masterclass and concert
January 18 at 7pm CEST
fuse*, art studio (Italy)
Lecture, watch the video
January 31 – February 1 and 2
Institute for Postnatural studies, center for artistic experimentation (Spain)
January 31 – February 1-2, workshop
1/2 lecture, watch the video
February 8 febbraio at 7pm CEST
Enea Colombi, film director (Italy)
February 16
Blooming in Embers, final exhibition
Other activities:
Masterclasses with international curators and mentors.
Mentors: Vanessa De Michelis, Filipa Ramos and other international mentors.
Weekly screenings at the cinema hall focusing on filmmakers and artists dealing with the theme of the semester.
Seminars or study groups with local professionals.
Theme: “Archaism” – origins of the future
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and filmmaker (Spain)
Theme: “Archaism” – origins of the future
Workshops & lectures (some events will be open to the public):
16 March
Tim Ingold, anthropologist (UK)
Commencement Lecture (online), watch the video
20, 21, 22 March
Enrico Malatesta and Attila Faravelli, musicians (Italy)
20, 21, 22 workshop, watch the video
22/3 lecture, watch the video
28-29-30 March
Kensuke Koike, visual artist (Japan)
28-29-30 workshop, watch the video
29/3 lecture, watch the video
3 April
Florian Toperngpong, designer, artist and author (Germany)
Lecture, watch the video
3 April
Haroon Mirza, artist (UK)
Online lecture
4-5-6 April
Marten Spangberg, performance artist (Sweden)
4-5-6 workshop, watch the video
6/4 lecture, watch the video
11-12-13 April
Rie Nakajima, sculptor (UK)
11-12-13 workshop, watch the video
13/4 concert
19 April
Tyler Whisnand, creative director (Usa)
Online lecture, watch the video
21 April
Carl Stone, composer (Usa)
Masterclass and concert open to the public
11 May
Dora Budor, artist (Usa)
Online lecture
19 May
Opening of Venezia Fabrica Futura
Guest lecture Nina Canell at 7pm
Concert by Furtherset at 9pm
Complesso dell’Ospedaletto
Barbaria de le Tole 6691 – Venice
Free entrance
22-23-24 May
Borut Peterlin, photographer (Slovenia)
22-23-24 workshop, watch the video
22/5 lecture, watch the video
25 May
Alberonero, artist and farmer (Italy)
Lecture, watch the video
12-14 June
Brynjar Sigurðarson, artist and designer (Iceland)
12-13-14 workshop, watch the video
14/6, lecture, watch the video
17 June
Venezia Fabrica Futura
Artnight – program of the evening
19 June, 7pm CEST
Elena Biserna, indipendent curator (Italy)
Lecture, watch the video
23 June
Nicol Vizioli, artist (Italy)
6 July
Tomas Leach, filmmaker and cinemaotographer (UK)
21 July, 7pm
Monument to Dust, final exhibition, event open to the public
Mentors: Vanessa De Michelis, Filipa Ramos, Luca Trevisani
Weekly screenings at the cinema hall focusing on filmmakers and artists dealing with the theme of the semester.
Seminars or study groups with local professionals.
Theme: “Otherworlding” – projections of possible and impossible futures
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and filmmaker (Spain)
Theme: “Otherworlding” – projections of possible and impossible futures
Workshops & lectures (some events will be open to the public):
19 September, 4pm CEST
Guillermo Brotons, multisciplinary designer (Spain)
“Thirteen years ago”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
23 September, 7pm CEST
Emanuele Coccia, philosopher (Italy)
Lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
28-29 September
Neil Leonard, musician (Usa)
28-29, workshop in presence
29/09 at 7.00pm, live concert open to the public
Watch the video
5 October, 3pm CEST
Alice Bucknell, artist and writer (Usa)
“Ways of Worlding”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
20 October, 11am CEST
Dean Brown, designer (UK)
“Fabrica: before, during and after”, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
9 November, 11am CET
Ramon De Marco, sound scenographer (Switzerland)
“Sound Scenography: the Art of Designing Sound for Spaces”, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
10 November, 7pm CET
Andreas Greiner, artist (Germany)
“Art=Nature, an ancient dichotomy”, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
14 November, 11am CET
Cosimo Bizzarri, editor and copywriter (Italy)
“The Colors Canon”, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
15-16-17 November
Phill Niblock, composer and multi-media musician (Usa)
15-16-17, workshop in presence
17/11 at 7pm, live concert open to the public together with Katherine Liberoskaya
18 November, 3pm CET
Libby Heaney, artist and quantum physicist (UK)
“The plural possibilities of quantum”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
23 November, 3pm CET
Jakob Kudsk Steensen, artist (Denmark)
“Sensing the Unseen”, online lecture
29 November, 11am CET
Marina Vitaglione, visual artist & photo editor (France)
“Visual art and climate change: using photography to raise awareness on environmental issues”
Watch the lecture
30 November, 3pm CET
Tarik Barri, audiovisual composer (The Netherlands)
“Composing visual music”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
13 December, 7pm CET
Quayola, artist (Italy)
“Gazing machines”, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the lecture
11 January, 3pm CET
Yehwan Song, web artist and designer (Korea)
“Dynamic circulation”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
24-25-26 January CET
Nonhuman Nonsense, design and art studio (Germany-Sweden)
24-25-26, “Portals Into Nonhuman Worlds”, workshop in presence
Watch the video of the workshop
“Pink Chickens, Talking Stones and Other Nonsense” 26 at 7pm, lecture in presence open to the public
Watch the video of the lecture
1 February, at 7pm CET
Theresa Wong, composer and cellist (USA)
“Fluency of Trees”, concert open to the public
8 February, 5pm CET
Ian Cheng, artist (USA)
“Worlding”, online lecture
24 February, 7pm CET
“Here Becomes Elsewhere”, final exhibition
Watch the video of the event
Other activities:
Curatorial and mentoring sessions with Filipa Ramos, Simone Bertuzzi and other international mentors
Weekly screenings
Seminars or study groups with local professionals
Theme: “Extintion?”
Program Director: Carlos Casas, visual artist and filmmaker (Spain)
Theme: “Extintion?”
It will address a broader debate on the environment, ecology and the relationships between humans, non-humans and nature.
Workshops & lectures (some events will be open to the public):
17 March
Timothy Morton, philosopher and writer (UK)
“Break The Man”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
6 April
Studio d-o-t-s, editorial and curatorial production (France)
“Towards a Phyto-centred Design”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
22 April
Filipa Ramos, writer and curator (Portugal)
“Transhumancing the Alps-on the reciprocal constitution of humans, nonhumans and landscapes across mountains and valleys”, lecture in presence
12 May
David Carson, graphic designer (Usa)
Lecture open to the public
31 May – 1 June
John Gerrard, artist (Ireland)
Workshop in presence
“John Gerrard / Digital Art in the Age of NFT’s”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
9-10 June
Philippe Rahm, architect (France)
“Climaticism”, workshop in presence
15-16-17 June
Rafal Milach, photographer, artist and activist. Associate member of Magnum Photos (Poland)
“Visual art strategies in action”, workshop in presence
“Photography as a social practice”, lecture in presence
Watch the lecture
20-24 June
Barbara Soalheiro, journalist, writer and founder at Mesa Company, and Gabriel Massan, digital artist, will lead a challenging experience where Fabricanti get to go from an idea to a launched product in 5 days.
1 July
Studio Ossidiana, architects (Italy / The Netherlands)
“The Design of the Encounter”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
6-7 July
Sean Raspet, artist (USA)
“New Structures”, workshop in presence
“On the Science of Scent, Flavor and Molecular Structure”, online lecture
Watch the lecture
21 July
Final thesis show
Watch the video of the lecture by Andrea Lissoni (Italy), artistic director of the Haus Der Kunst in Munich.
Curatorial sessions with Andrea Lissoni, Filipa Ramos, Ute Meta Bauer
Mentoring sessions with Xavier Garcia Bardon, Francesco Bergamo, Vanessa De Michelis and Sonia Levy
Weekly screenings at the cinema hall focusing on filmmakers and artists dealing with the theme of the semester.
Seminars or study groups with local professionals.