Tag: photography
Marina Vitaglione / Visual art and climate change
On Tuesday November 29 at 11am CET Marina Vitaglione, visual artist and photo editor, will be at Fabrica for an open lecture titled “Visual art and climate change: using photography to raise awareness on environmental issues”.
In this lecture, Marina Vitaglione will talk about her photographic projects “Air”, a series of cyanotypes representing air pollution particles in London, exhibited in London and Glasgow during the 2021 COP26 climate conference, and “Solastalgia”, an image/text docufiction on the impact of sea-level rise in Venice developed during her residency at Fabrica (2016-2017).
She will go through the visual and storytelling concepts, the process of making the images in collaboration with scientists, and the dissemination of the work through photobooks and exhibitions.
Marina Vitaglione has an MA in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism with Distinction from London College of Communication, her work focuses on environmental issues.