Li Estas Kiu? II is the second adaptation of Li Estas Kiu? in a concert format.


Li Estas Kiu? was an immersive multimedia performance installation that integrated various algorithms and gestures for a generative and interactive sonic, optic, and behavioral experience. The piece explored themes regarding relationships between individuals, technology, and nature amidst an era of rapid information and telecommunications innovation. The piece sought to demonstrate alternative mindsets.


In contrast to Li Estes Kiu?, the expressions in Li Estes Kiu? II are rather personal, intimate, and subjective. Ultimately, the performance seeks to travel through the spectrums between the same three components, while subjectively engaging with contrasting concepts such as advanced and primitive, intentional and intuitive, convenience and inconvenience, ideal and real, and more and less.

Asuka Akagawa
He/Him | Interdisciplinary Artist | Tokyo, Japan


Asuka is an interdisciplinary artist, composer, guitarist, and researcher from Japan.


Passionate about the complexity of the guitar since age fifteen, his work focuses on bringing fundamental and possible social concerns to the surface through alternative approaches using sound as an expressive means. While Asuka finds equal interest in all genres of music, he prefers to blend elements from various cultures to develop a unique and personal sound.


He also explores the potentiality of interdisciplinary art, incorporating visual expression, digital signal processing, and computer programming as extensions of his practice.