The sun still rises by Yirui Fang 

The sun still rises by Yirui Fang 

The work attempts to explore the relationship between space, nature, and human culture. Use different media and methods in different spaces and environments to establish connections with deep consciousness, and use poetry and words as a bridge between the real world and the space of consciousness. They are open-ended works. Although they contain personal will, establishing it in this context is no longer important. Everything will move towards a new life. Every time a connection is established, it is a brand new work.


Thanks to the collaboration with Stylnove.

Yirui Fang 


Yirui Fang (1997) was born in Shandong in the People’s Republic of China. After graduating in Painting from the Lu Sun Academy of Fine Arts, he moved to Venice, Italy, where he specialized in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2023, Yirui participated in three residency programs in Italy, including the Paratissima Factory in Turin, the Pinacoteca residency in Foggia, and the Fabrica residency in Treviso. His works have been displayed in many exhibitions in Italy, China, North Macedonia, Russia, and Slovenia. 

