raining buried victory dance wildly  by Yirui Fang 

raining buried victory dance wildly  by Yirui Fang 

raining buried victory dance wildly falls into that spectrum of works that do not require understanding, as they do not contain a didactic narrative, such as to tell a hypothetical meaning of the work; only through careful reflections, suggestions, and examining the artist’s formal and aesthetic choices is it possible to reach an important significant dimension that opens views on man and the world. In front of Fang’s paintings, we could be in front of a Renaissance fresco, a vault of angels and saints peering down into the underworld, the suffering from which they are separated by a central glimmer of light. Yet the artist does not mention man for a very specific reason, which highlights how the latter is disappearing, how he is gradually being replaced by his own inventions. The perimeters of the human figure are only hinted at, its presence is alluded to, but every body is on its way to total disappearance, in the same way as it currently disappears in contemporary society, replaced by machines and artificial intelligences that take place in the formulation of thought and in the practical realization of the things that surround him. Man has vanished, he has become extinct, leaving only destruction behind him and by erasing everything he has even abolished the ideal of forgiveness and the aspiration towards this. The abstraction of man is in fact an unstoppable phenomenon that he himself started and Fang is a careful observer of man and his influences.


Thanks to the collaboration with Stylnove.

Yirui Fang


Yirui Fang (1997) was born in Shandong in the People’s Republic of China. After graduating in Painting from the Lu Sun Academy of Fine Arts, he moved to Venice, Italy, where he specialized in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2023, Yirui participated in three residency programs in Italy, including the Paratissima Factory in Turin, the Pinacoteca residency in Foggia, and the Fabrica residency in Treviso. His works have been displayed in many exhibitions in Italy, China, North Macedonia, Russia, and Slovenia.

