The story of Orpheus descending to the land of the dead in search of its lover is told through a series of pieces.


Each piece makes a different approach to the concepts of this story – Loss, Death, Wish, Love, Creation – in a different medium. Most of these mediums are obsolete image mediums – a moviola, CRT monitors, a View-Master – also doing a kind of archeology on the media we have been using throughout history to tell stories and how these stories survive by being told over and over from generation to generation, turning into ghosts, or archives.


This installation renounces to the creation of images to narrate in favor of written text and found footage. These obsolete artifacts become mystical fortune tellers and wish-granters, warning and giving instructions to visitors approaching the land of the dead.

He/Him | Audiovisual Artist | Santo Domingo, Dominican


Born in Santiago de los Caballeros in 1996, Erik Alfredo graduated from the first class of the filmmaking program at the Altos de Chavón School of Design, where he collaborated on several projects’ post-production and completed a thesis project in screenwriting.


His animated short films are showcased on online platforms, and his short fiction Brasil (2018) attends international film festivals. He has collaborated for Simulacro Magazine, Alliance Française Santo Domingo, Aurora Post Studio, and Güasábara Cine. He is part of the animation team of the feature-length film Olivia y las Nubes.